Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Something for the Dead Brain

I took on a new talent - The Piano Keyboard:-) I am teaching myself and here is lesson one:

New Day...New Diary Entry

Wow! That was an awesome stretch without a headache. I have a 1 this evening but sure enjoyed the holiday without one! ...and all the wonderful different foods and the humidity in Florida (which usually is a guarantee for headaches). The humidity did make me tired like normal though. I slept a lot down there.

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Prayers Were Answered!

I did not have a headache the whole trip! That's a first!!!!! I ALWAYS get one down there in Florida! I am not a religious person but I do believe in God. I also believe in the power of prayer;-) Thank you God...Amen!

I did drink caffeine on the trip. It is not a cause for my headaches but it was worth a try.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

God Give Me Freedom this Thanksgiving Weekend

Dear God,

I pray for freedom of migraines this weekend. I don't like my family to see me in pain. My father is struggling as it is and hates to see me with headaches. My mother is using all of her strength to take care of my dad. If I stay headache free, they will not worry so much about me. If I must have a headache, please refrain from releasing the beast until we get back on Sunday. At that point I promise I will take what you have to give without complaint.

Thank you

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Yesterday was great! No headache all day and had a very nice evening with my husband. Today is another story. It started as a 1 and gradually worked into a 4. I still haven't touched caffeine but I did take Nuprin to try and get rid of some of the pain.....Didn't work..Just added more crap to my organs:-/ I wore my ice pack and I am afraid my brain is going to freeze over for good one day. I tried to put that ice pack on my head when I didn't have a headache and that thing is COLD! Ouch! It is crazy what us migrainuers go through that we just take for grated every day. I wouldn't wish these things on my worst enemy. There is just not enough medicine in the world to help us. Oh yeah, now I clench my jaw when I am pulling my hair. I just figured that out today. The sore jaw does not help at all when I have a headache...ARGH!!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Stand Up for Relief from Migraines!

No really....I literally had to stand last night to feel relief. As soon as I sat down, the pain came back. It really set in after dinner. Me head was on fire!! The pain was unbearable and I went through both of my ice turbans and an ice pack. I had to stand up to feel less pain. Again, I feel like the oxygen intake has something to do with it. It is as if something is being pinched off to have the pain come back so sudden when I sit. I paced and watched an entire movie standing. My feet started getting tired after about 4 hours of standing and pacing so I tried laying down. The pain came back but my husband elevated my head and that worked okay as long as I had ice on my head. We played the game "Life" in bed. He had to move my car for me of course, but it was nice. He beat me in the first game and I kicked his butt in the second game. He would say different though:-p So the headache seemed like a reaction. It wasn't an MSG headache. This one was more like an onion headache. I felt instant pain and bad! We ate  shrimp for the first time in a long time. I sure hope it isn't shrimp since I do love it but it if helps me I will give it up. The headache at its worst was an 8...Ouch!

I have been sort of challenged to stop drinking caffeine for a while too, just in case that is one of the culprits. I have done this before but maybe it is a new problem for me. Having a migraine brain, we tend to be more sensitive to things and I think I get worse as I get older. Today is day one without caffeine.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Choppin' Firewood with a Migraine

Me with a headache today, sportin' my turban ice wrap! Isn't it awesome?? Lol!

Well, I didn't chop the wood of course. I helped stack the wood after it was chopped by my wonderful hubby. I have a 2 today. I didn't wake up with it but it set in around 2pm while I was helping my husband stack wood. I made omelets for breakfast with "cooked" onions, cheese and ham. Nothing fancy. I did add some garlic powder and Cayenne to the eggs though. I hit the caffeine before we went to town. Coke this time. This headache "may" be from the caffeine now because I am withdrawing from the previous headaches where I drank caffeine but I doubt it. It's not like I drink a gallon of it. I have 3 cans at the most in a day, then I turn to water or something else. So much for a nice relaxing weekend with my husband. See what I burden I am? It really is frustrating and I try to act like I am fine most of the time but some days are just unavoidable. *sigh*. All I can say is I thank God every day for bringing such a patient, caring man into my life. This is a hard struggle as it is, but Nathan makes it so much easier to deal with.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Drive-In Migraine with Harry Potter

Yesterday was a pretty normal day. I started to feel a little pressure so I did my normal and ate chocolate and drank a Dew. We went to the Drive-In to see a double feature of Harry Potter and Life as We Know It. Yes, we have a drive-in here.

Today was rough. I woke up with a bad headache. The headache was in front this time though. It seems like the headache was from watching the movies because of the location in the front of my head. My husband pulled my hair in the area where it hurt and it went away...?...Usually, it gives me relief to tug on my hair but this time it went away. That puzzles me but I was grateful. I also took a Motrin 800 so that could have been another reason for it to go away so fast. I took one yesterday too. After a long nap, I was back to normal..somewhat. I had that cloudy feeling in the aftermath of a disaster. I get that way sometimes. I guess I fear the onset of the next headache. Today's headache was a 4.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Things That Suck When You Have a Migraine

Hiccups! Oh the pain..the agony! When your head hurts and you think there is no way it can extend anymore since the little men inside their are pushing with all their might, hiccups arrive. Each and every hiccup causing tears of pain. You try and drink water, you try and hold your breath and nothing works. By this point, I am usually pounding my head against the wall in the hopes it will burst. Hiccups is number one on my list.

Vomiting - This has to be the most painful experience when in the middle of a bad migraine. The only thing that makes it good is the fact that I always get several minutes of relief afterwords. That allows me to lay down and fall asleep before it comes back.

Waking up with a migraine. Most of my headaches will go away if I can get to sleep but when I wake up with it there isn't much chance of me going back to sleep.

I guess noise and light bothers some but I do not have that problem. There are things that bother me from time to time but it is usually some kind of stupidity. I have no tolerance for it when I have a headache (or ever really). Squealing tires, people talking loudly on cell phones, slamming of doors, dogs barking, loud music and those kinds of things are what usually drive through my brain. Being a migrainuer, I have developed a low tolerance for these types of things and why I live in the middle of nowhere. It is peaceful all the time and that really helps my head.

Concentration - Forget it! I don't know how many times my husband has to remind me of things when I have a headache. He will ask what I need and sometimes I can't even answer him. He just has to use the trial and error method on me. Head wrap? CHECK Meds?  CHECK Massage?  CHECK Head rub? CHECK
I really believe the migraines have affected my brain in that sense. I get worse and worse in remembering what I was doing from one second to the next. That happens even without a headache now.

School/Work - Thank God for online education! I can get all my homework done when I am headache free! Unfortunately it doesn't always work out that way but I get through it somehow.
Work is another story. I never expressed that I had a headache at work since it could cost me my job. I was quite a liability otherwise. I spent years working with a double quarter pounder on my shoulders and just dealt with it. Now I stay home and go to college online. I am going for a MBA, CPA since that is something I enjoy and can do on my own from home, privately. I figure the more education I have behind me, the less people can judge me for my headaches. My Bachelor's is Entrepreneurship so I work for me.

Being somewhere else - This sucks because I am away from all the things that help me. Caffeine, chocolate, ice pack, etc. Then I have to act halfway normal since people cannot understand what I am going through and would probably rush me to the hospital if they have never seen it before.

Laughter - Oh I LOVE to laugh but it causes me great pain! Hell, too much laughing gives me a headache. When I have a migraine and start to laugh, it shoots pain right through my head. Still, I like to try and joke around anyway when I have a headache to lighten up the mood...and it still beats having the hiccups!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Could You Please Pass the Migraine....NOT!

So I feel fine today. Just didn't get much sleep last night. The fire is burning, dinner was homemade pizza and I went out for a couple of hours today. I even drank a Mtn Dew just in case.....I feel great....However, my husband came home with a pounding headache. I swear he wishes them off of me and they migrate (get it?...migrate the migraine lol!....Oh, sorry)...Anyway, they migrate to him. Maybe they are sympathy headaches or something. I hate that he has them too. He has had them for a while though. He gets sinus headaches. To me a headache is a headache. They all suck.

It's The Late Night Show with Tammy's Migraine!

So this is me this morning.......I had a long, ugly night with the big bad migraine wolf! It ended up becoming a 7 so I couldn't get to sleep. I was up until about 4am before it started to taper off. Nathan had to pull my hair for an hour, then I tried to go to bed but I just laid there and pulled even more hair out. I was sick to my stomach, which hasn't happened for a couple of months. I took 2 Nuprin but it did nothing of course. I try to stay away from meds if I can help it since sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I wore my beautiful ice turban also. That thing is either great or sucks. It depends on my headache. I zoned out at the heater for an hour, then on the couch for an hour, just staring into space. I played my mindless game (Dr. Mario for the Super Nintendo) for another hour and finally went to bed.
It isn't an "Ice Down" like in this picture (that thing costs $25!..Rip off!)...Mine is an ice pack that slides into a sleeve and I used to get it at Wal-Mart until they stopped selling it. I order it online for about $10. All else fails a bag of frozen veggies does the trick! Lol!

So the wood heater is still going strong and I do not have a headache anymore. It really is hard to say what causes them sometimes.  I ache all over after the monsters. I feel like I got run over by a truck...See?

Lol! Let's hope for another stretch of freedom!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Not 100% Anymore

Okay so today the thing that changed was the type of heat we used. We have been burning kerosene for the past 2 days and today I re lit the wood heater. Maybe I am just sensitive to the change over? Anyway, my headache is a 2 or 3 now and I don't feel so good:-/ One thing I did learn from the neurologist is that people with migraines have a more sensitive brain than others. It makes sense because My tolerance goes down if I don't do something for a while.

Keeping Migraine at Bay with Caffiene and Chocolate!

This afternoon I started to get that "feeling" like a migraine was getting ready to set in. I quickly grabbed a box of Raisinettes and a Mtn Dew. So far, it is still staying away but not sure it if will all night. We just ate a nice steak dinner...compliments of the Long family farm. Nothing like some fresh meat from the butcher shop.

Migraine Vacation

I don't know how else to explain how I feel when I have a stretch of days without a migraine so the picture can give you an idea. No pressure, no pain, no migraine! One can only imagine how it feels when this stretch gets interrupted by necessary projects or something that we know can cause a migraine. I like to stay in my bubble as long as I can. I am to the point now that I would rather do things when I DO have a headache since it is too late anyway. Since I don't have the typical "lay down in a dark room" headaches, I can go out and about and "tolerate" my headache. It is also a way for me to help keep my mind off of it. If I sit at home, I have a hard time because it kicks in even worse. The fresh air helps unless I have the chills. That sucks! Each and every chill goes straight to my brain:-/ For now, I am enjoying this wonderful vacation from head pain:-) No brain rape today!! YIPPEE!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Still No Migraine!

It rained all day yesterday and most of today. We had spaghetti for dinner and watched movies last night. Today I went to town and had lunch with Nathan. I came home and was very tired so I took a nap. Many times I get tired and if I do not take a nap I will usually get a headache. I am up now and feel fine still. We ran the kerosene all of yesterday and some of today. Nathan and I had McD's where I ate a cheeseburger and fries. Let's see what tomorrow brings! Amen!

Monday, November 15, 2010

MSG Free Goodies for those of us who can't eat it!

I will try and continue to add to this list as I think of foods that are good and free of MSG.

Let's start with the chip category since this is one of my weaknesses. Most "flavored" chips are a no no because of the MSG in them but some brands were nice enough to create a yummy chip without MSG.

Of course we can eat plain chips, Frito's, bugles, cheese its, and crackers; just not the flavored ones.

Some that you may not have known about would be:

Jalapeno Doritos
Some of the baked chips
Cape Cod Kettle Cooked chips - ALL FLAVORS! I love the mesquite BBQ!

Now for some random items:

Generic soups sometimes do not have MSG. For example, if you are trying to make meatloaf because of the dry soup pack...look at the generic. It normally does not have MSG.

Can't eat sausage? Make it with turkey burger and your own spices: 3/4tspn pepper, 1/4 tsp cayenne, 1 tsp sage, 1/2 tsp ginger, 1/2 tsp salt. Mix well with 1 lb of turkey burger and make into patties. Fry

Ramon noodle soup without the spice pack: Add cayenne, seasoned salt, garlic and or MSG free bullion cubes.

Spice up the ramon noodles even more and add turkey sausage, pickles cut up small, a pack of tuna, Velveeta cheese and a spoonful of mayonnaise. MSG free and full of flavor!

Most processed foods can be made from scratch without the MSG. It just involves some work. If you want quick meals that are processed get chicken strips (unseasoned), corn dogs, lean pockets...well, you get the idea. Stay away from added spices.

Frozen ravioli with spaghetti sauce instead of canned.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

No Headache...No Explanation

I can never tell when I am going to have a good day anymore but when I do....I am so thankful. This is about the 3rd day without a headache I guess and it is like I can "feel" my head breathing. It sounds weird but without that God awful pain in my brain, it is like a constant orgasm in my head. Sorry but there is just no other way to describe the relief days. It is the weekend, the kerosene heater was on this morning instead of wood. We went grocery shopping today and watched a movie last night. Again, I am not doing anything different. The days without headaches make me wonder because if I could figure out why I would do this everyday. The problem is....I have way too many triggers and that cannot be helped. If it is hormones I still can't do anything about it of course (blood clotting disorder). I just continue to take in these awesome days without migraines and spend them taking care of my husband and doing what I can around the house while my head is clear.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Migraines Saved My Life.....No Joke

To all who have been reading my blogs....Do not misunderstand my reasons for blogging about my migraines. In no way, shape or form do I want sympathy for my suffering. I appreciate everyones concerns but this has been a part of my life since I was 7 years old. The purpose of this blog is to record my day to day for medical records. There are way too many people out there who have it much, much worse than me. Send the prayers to them;-) This is my cross to bare and I would never wish it away. They have a purpose in my life.

My migraines kept me from becoming an alcoholic or worse. The loss of a spouse is hard and I could have easily turned to drugs or alcohol. My headaches have kept me from a lot of stupid things I would have done in the past if it weren't for them.

At the same time I managed to accomplish quite a bit. In a way, my stubbornness pushed me forward with or without the headaches. I have travelled all over the U.S. on my own, served in the Navy (Seabees) where I became an electrician, served as squad leader for my platoon, got my scuba license, went on cruises, received the Humanitarian Award in the Navy because of our efforts to help out during a hurricane, volunteered at numerous places with a gazillion certificates of appreciation, excelled wherever I worked and now......just completed my Bachelor's Degree with a 3.88 GPA and well over 150 college credits to date. I start my Master's in January 2011. I gotta say, it feels pretty darn good. The thing I wish the most to succeed at in life is making my husband happy. That is challenging with migraines. One thing I refuse to do is put my troubles on him. He works hard and has the patience of the largest hospital in the world! He understands me and helps whenever he can with the relief of my headaches despite the day HE already had.

Migraines saved my life and to that I am very thankful. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world. The headaches helped me get here;-)

Chronic Pain - Pain that continues into the depths of my soul....FOREVER! AHHHHH!!

Today has been weird. I get this way sometimes but I have been very tired all day. We went to bed at a reasonable hour last night and I did not take a nap as intended yesterday either. I was very tired and fell asleep better than normal. I got up and made hubby's lunch like normal and went back to bed. I got up a hour or so later, made some corn bread and did the dishes. I was still pretty tired so I went and laid down for 3 or 4 more hours. I am still tired. I started getting a headache somewhere in the middle of all this. I think it was around 2pm when it started. The migraine is a 2 right now.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Headache Gone

Left my body around 8pm I guess. Watched a movie with my wonderful husband. It was an inspirational movie called "The Greatest". Good movie. I did not take anything for my head today. It just.....went away.

Helpful Migraine Diary

The following information seems very helpful for us migraine sufferers so here it is:
"If you've been diagnosed with migraines, the next step is up to you, because only you know exactly what your migraines are like - the severity, the frequency, and perhaps the cause of each one.
The more you know about your condition, the more you can tell your doctor, and the better your treatment plan will be."

Click Here for PDF Migraine Diary

For more information go to:


Well, so much for getting a little activity in and keeping myself from getting a migraine. I went to town and did some running around, which normally helps. I came home and I am weak and tired. It is not hot outside. It is a beautiful day. We had hot dogs last night. Dry, in the 70's and no stress. The tension in my head started when I got home. It is a 1 right now. I am going to lay down since I am tired. That sometimes helps:-/

Think About the Days When You Have a Mingraine and Watch This

Migraine - It's Not Just for Breakfast

My migraines strike at any time, any place, any day. They don't have a schedule and there isn't always an answer to why I get one. Yesterday's migraine is a perfect example. I took 3 Nuprin and by the time I went to bed, the headache had dulled to a 1/2. Who knows, maybe the warm, homemade apple pie and ice cream got rid of it;-) I am heading to town so let's see if I am headache free today due to a little activity.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Headache This Evening

I went all day yesterday without a headache and most of today. Now I have one and it is starting to hurt more and more as I sit here. It started around 4pm I guess. I did not do anything that would make me think would give me a headache but I did shovel and use bleach today. I was outside on the porch and didn't even get a whiff of bleach so it couldn't be that. I took iron pills yesterday?? Who knows. It is hard to say but it is coming on hard right now. I have had 1's mostly but this is a 2 or 3 now. We ate hot dogs for dinner (at 6). I just hope this isn't going to be another long night:-/ I am drinking Mtn Dew now and getting ready to eat homemade apple pie me and my husband just made together. Add a little "brain freeze" food (ice cream) and that in itself is relief! MMmmmmMM!

This Article is Helpful in Prevention - See highlights

The Genius and the Horror of Migraines

There are few medical conditions as shrouded in myth as the acute attack of a migraine. The rush of blood and swelling of the cerebral arteries, that stretches the nerve fibers coiled around them, has been decorated as the catalyst for a dizzying amount of genius. Held responsible for the birth of Athena (the goddess of civilization, justice, and wisdom) from the aching head of Zeus; for Hippocrates foray into the creation of Western medicine; for the pointillism of George Seurat, the impressionism of Claude Monet, the vibrant contrasts and colors of Van Gogh; for the hallucinations of Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote, the poetry of Emily Dickenson, the creation of Nietzsche's Ãœbermensch (or superman), the duality in the works of Virginia Woolf and Sigmund Freud, and the rabbit hole in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. In addition to artists and philosophers, migraines lay claim to some of the brilliance and tenacity of politicians and warriors such as Julius Caesar, Joan of Arc, Thomas Jefferson, Napoleon, Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant.

However coupled with the accolades of luminance and originality of vision, migraines are blamed for many of these artists and leaders irritability and impossibility. Driven to hallucination and madness by the throbbing pains in their head, these individuals heralded in history for their genius were often loathed and despised by many forced to live with them on a daily basis. While it is comforting to claim kinship with such intellect and talent, it is also disquieting to recognize the debilitating qualities of migraines. The irrationality and nastiness of migraines that forces many sufferers, myself included, into isolation and depression.

For the past two decades I have suffered from the periodic brain rape (Lol!) of migraine headaches—the incapacitating delirium that seems impossible to avoid or control. I have put clamps on the forehead, tied knotted rope around the temples, taken hot showers and applied ice packs to the face, attempted sleeping for days, treated myself to countless back, neck and scalp massages, lit candles, removed lamps, dimmed lights, listened to the sea, tried physical therapy, acupuncture, yoga, and many other unsavory, unmentionable, and even illegal methods to quell the fiendish pain. While all of these methods work some of the time, none of them have worked all the time—including medication.

The best methods that I have found in controlling migraines come through prevention and meditation. Keeping a journal of all food and drink, strong odors, perfumes, chemicals and sprays, bright lights, sleep patterns, and stress; helps to determine common triggers. In order to prevent migraines, I take B vitamins and allergy medicine daily; have changed my diet to include more vegetables; have eliminated tobacco use and caffeine; stopped eating many processed foods; stopped eating foods high in nitrates such as dried meats; stopped consuming mass-produced fermented beverages like beer and wine (though I still consume organic wines produced without additional sulfites and additives); and keep my bedroom, office and car extremely clean and free of molds and dust. In addition I have found daily meditation and exercise helps to reduce and control stress as well as the frequency and severity of migraines.

Migraines help create bouts of both genius and loathsome, insidious behavior—peaks and valleys. Controlling and preventing them is best achieved by creating a life in balance: a balanced diet, a balanced exercise routine, and a stable balanced mind. Avoiding extremes and constructing a life and environment that is more subdued, constrained, and docile has helped significantly in reducing the regularity and strength of my migraine attacks.

University of Maryland Medical Center
Family Doctor.org
Health Communities
Time Magazine, Medicine: Battle Against Migraine
Joan Didion, In Bed, MIT
Note: This article was written by an Associated Content Contributor. To become a Contributor and start publishing your own news articles, go to Associated Content.

Black Friday - NO NO for Migraine Sufferers

Most people get so excited about the sales after Thanksgiving. I don't.....In fact, I stay as far away from places like the mall or huge shopping centers due to the level of stress involved. Black Friday is Migraine Madness for me...Nothing more. I manage to find enough deals to satisfy the Christmas shopping urges. That's what Wal-Mart is for! Woohoo! That reminds me.....I just thought of another trigger.....Roller Coasters! Don't ask....I was just thinking about all the places I go that are crowded and I can only think of a few....One of them is my love for roller coasters. I just load up on meds before and after..Yikes! I can't avoid all migraines so I am not going to eliminate fun out of my life. I will, however, choose to stay away from "not so fun" adventures like Black Friday! I really don't think I would take part in that fiasco anyway. I mean, old ladies fight over stuffed animals and crap...Come on people!!!

Day 2 Without Headache

Now I can actually start to monitor my headaches. I cannot accurately figure anything out when it is time for my period. The week before is always a mess and full of headaches so I can never tell what is actually causing the headache other than PMS. My husband had a full nights sleep, YES!!!! Uneventful evenings are always good. I think I will plan a "Pamper Day" for him. We do those once in a while for each other but he is DEFINITELY due for one. I got out this morning and cleaned the porch. I am doing laundry and making an apple pie.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Oh What a Night!

I swear, this is one reason I hate migraines so much. I was up from around 2:30am to 4 or so with really, really bad cramps from my period. Now I already keep my wonderful husband up with bad headaches so this kind of stuff just pisses me off! He works so hard and I can't catch a break so he can rest. I had to ask him to get up with me because I really did think I was having another miscarriage or something. I haven't felt pain like that since my miscarriages. I had to sit in the tub and soak but thought I was going to pass out. I do always look for the good in things so it would have to be that I did not have a headache and still do not have one. I just wonder if this all connects to the week long headache somehow. I went to town today and was out of breath the whole time. I took 2 iron pills when I got home since I thought that could be the reason. My blood pressure was a little above my normal.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Another Headache Free Day!

No headache today. I did, however, have to take midol today. Other than a few cramps, I felt good all day. I will take that over a headache anyday.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Results from the HIT or Headache Impact Test

 A wonderful fellow Blogger who decided to follow me had this information on her page. Thank you Pam! I took the test and came out with a score of 71. If this were a college course I would be pleased that I passed at least, but in fact this is bad:-/ Good grief! ...and people wonder why I don't like to socialize...?? Hellooooooooo!!

Click HERE for a printable test of your own

Morning Migraine's Suck!

Well, yesterday was so wonderful since I did not have a headache. Every day is wonderful but I just really like when I don't have a headache and burden my husband with it. I hate putting things on him:-/ Even after 3 years together, he still reacts the same and still does whatever it takes to help me (well us) get through the headache. I am one lucky woman, that's for sure! Today's headache was probably from being on my period. I cannot really know where headaches comes from during this time. I woke up with it and just went on with my day as normal. No meds, only Mtn. Dew and something to eat. We went and chopped trees down so the cold air felt good on my head. I am not the normal "classic migraine" sufferer. I was told by a neurologist that I have what's called the "modern migraine". I go out in the fresh air with a small amount of activity and that gives me relief. As soon as I go inside and sit or lay down my head starts pounding. Lights do not usually bother me and sound does not bother me unless the headache is an 8 or higher. Today's headache stayed a steady 1 all day (before and after the wood cutting). Right now it is about 1/2. Once this period is over I will be able to have a better idea on how many I will have on a regular basis.

Friday, November 5, 2010

1st Whole Day Without a Migraine in Over a Week!

I did get out of the house today. It does help when I get moving a bit. Also, the propane may not have been the culprit afterall. I started my period. The week before I always get bad headaches that last a while. This one just happened to last 4 days. We will test out the propane thing later.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Headache Slowly Went Away...

I wish I could understand these stupid headaches. I did not take any medicine and the kerosene heater is still running. The headache did not go away after I ate either. Nathan got home and I heated up some hot dogs for him. We sat and watched Inception..which was an intense movie so normally it would make my headache worse.....Before the movie I started feeling like my heart was pounding again. It went away too eventually. I made some homemade pizza and sat with my baby until now and I feel better. Not 100%...but better. It is a feeling of cloudiness...Like the dust hasn't yet cleared but I do not have a headache. A sense of discomfort in my head and neck I guess. See what I mean about meds??? Why take anything if sometimes they just go away on their own? Sometimes, however, I really don't care and just need some relief!

The Challenge of Meds and Dr's Recommendations

I have been to every kind of treatment you can think of. I have tried every kind of medicine their is. A neurologist out in Fort Collins, CO tried to put me on a daily preventative medicine called neurontin. That didn't work. I tried Depakote and went to the ER with a migraine from it. I've taken Zomig which worked for a while, then stopped working. I was put on Actique for really bad migraines and they just knocked me out. I still felt the headache when I was awake. That is stuff they give cancer patients by the way...
When I go to the hospital, they either give me Demerol or morphine. Sometimes it works right away, other times they have to give me 2 or 3 doses. At home most times I take Motrin 800 but that stuff is not good for me either. I try to only take 2 over the counter Motrin but that doesn't always give me enough relief.
Acupuncture - The needle placed behind my ear gave me a migraine!
Chiropractor - Gave me a headache from all the pulling and twisting but did feel good initially.
Massage - Well, thankfully I have a wonderful man to help me with that and it helps some of the time.

The meds are a challenge for me as you can see. Imagine if I took something every time I got a headache??!! I already think I have organ damage because of all the bruising and problems with circulation. I also have a clotting disorder which doesn't help much. If for some reason, my headaches were related to hormones, there isn't a darn thing I can do about it. If I do take meds, eventually I either become immune, addicted or experience a reaction from it by getting a rebound headache.. Ugh!

My Triggers and My Relief

My triggers are MSG, raw onions, alcohol, meds (including headache meds-Flu shot? FORGET IT! MIGRAINE!), too much activity, not enough activity, too much laughter, not eating soon enough, exercise (like push ups that affect the muscles in my neck), reading, too much sleep, not enough sleep, changes in altitude, strange odors, humidity, that time of the month, cigarette smoke, wearing hats or ponytails too tight, dirty hair (it aggrivates the headaches), roller coasters and dehydration....That's 21 triggers! (This list keeps growing as I remember day by day...Ugh)

My relief comes in the form of head rubbing, shoulder rub, head scratching, hair pulling, intercourse (I think it is the oxygen intake), different types of meds each time or none, bath, fresh air, chocolate, caffeine (Coke or Mtn Dew only....something about the combination of carbonation, sugar and caffeine I guess), a funny looking head wrap, some days pounding my head against the wall or just pressing it against the wall, grinding my teeth, crying (...well, that's not a relief. That's just frustration and pain),  drinking something really cold like a milkshake or icee that freezes my brain, washing my hair.

The meds are a challenge for me as you can see. Imagine if I took something every time I got a headache??!! I already think I have organ damage because of all the bruising and problems with circulation. I also have a clotting disorder which doesn't help much. If for some reason, my headaches were related to hormones, there isn't a Darn thing I can do about it. If I do take meds, eventually I either become immune, addicted or experience a reaction from it by getting a rebound headache.. Ugh!

Headache Has Returned!

Well, another day in the life of migraines. My head just started hurting again. I'm not sure if it is the kerosene or the fact that I let myself get hungry. I just ate and took a walk around the creek so we shall see if that helps. Most headaches are fairly tolerable so I guess I should scale them. Right now I wouldn't normally say anything unless asked so it is a 1 on the migraine scale.
Without headache, October 29th, 2010
With headache Oct 31st, 2010..getting in the spirit of Halloween 
The result of my headaches over the years - Hair pulling. It is the only relief I can get sometimes.

Sores from hair pulling

More Migraine Poetry

My Migraine Poem
by Susan
Sit down I need to tell you something
Before we get too involved.
You need to know that I have a problem.

I have pain.
Extreme pain unlike anything you have likely seen before.
It just happens -
It happens a lot.
It's in my head and it takes over.

"Ah" you say " is that all?"
"We can get through this.. "
"I thought it was something serious"

When you saw the first really bad one.
You thought I was faking
Accused me of being addicted to the pain meds
You turned away.
It was ugly

I can't go to concerts with you.
I can't eat your mothers cranberry sauce
I am afraid to leave the house without meds
I don't want to join any clubs
I'll just disappoint you
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry

Years go by
You discover we can't get through it
You leave me
It's too much for you

"If you just would try harder" - you say
"It's not like you have cancer"
"I know people who are blind and go to parties"
"You don't try hard enough"
"You are holding me back"

I understand
Because I'd like to leave me too.
I don't blame you.
If I could find someone else
Who is more fun
I'd do the same.

Poetry by Jessica Polson

My Brain

Jessica Polson

Lights SCREAMING into my eyes
Blinding painful terrorize
My brain
Moving, stumbling grinds my mind
Bombs go off, stepping on mines
My brain
Rest my head, wish it was lead
But no, the knife twists
My brain
Voices shout only they're hushed
Anger, frustration, torment, depression
My brain
Crying out for relief, No one hears
No one cares, No one understands
My brain
Lost in a sea of hopelessness and despair
Lost in an ocean of pain, grabbing at
My brain
The pain builds and churns and overwhelms
Visions and auras and wishing for spells
My brain
Just give me drugs, give me death, give me peace
Let me lie still in the darkness and the cold with
My brain
Relieve me, Faith leaves me, Hope has abandoned me
Consciousness loss, level of 10, bliss for 3 seconds
My brain
More pain from a shot, I welcome the pain, grasping for help
five minutes, ten minutes then peace at last
Relief, bliss and I move into space, into the abyss, into the fog
Jellied legs, Jellied brains, serenity encompasses and I sleep My brain is still...for now

It's Almost Noon...and I Do NOT Have a Headache!

Okay let's try this again shall we? I just turned on the kerosene heater and I feel fine. I ate a sandwich for breakfast (conserving the last of the milk for hubby's cereal for tomorrow)... I guess I could have had toast. Oh well, maybe for lunch. So it is still rainy and damp outside. The fluttering in my heart went away and no more pain. I think I was just scaring myself into a panic attack or something. It also could have been all the meds I took for 4 straight days. Motrin, Immatrex, Aspirin, Children's Antihistamine.... I consume quite a bit of caffeine and chocolate during headaches too since that helps suppress it. I try to drink a glass of water before just in case the headache is from dehydration. (Another trigger I need to add to the list..*sigh*).

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Headache is Back this Evening

Today was nice without a headache. I spent the day catching up on chores. I cooked pork chops, mac n cheese and broccoli and cheese for dinner. After dinner, we turned off the kerosene heater and the smell got to me I guess. I started to feel the headache shortly after that. My shoulders hurt from the last headache. They take so much out of me. The past week or so I have noticed small pains throughout my chest and my heart has been fluttering a bit. I've had this before but it was never anything to worry about. Tonight I feel like my heart is in my throat and my head is starting to hurt more and more. After today's news about my brother-in-law I guess I just got a little worried about what my pains may be. So much for a free day. Maybe tomorrow will be better. It started raining yesterday and is still raining today. It is a 1 on the migraine scale.

Freedom today! No Propane...No Headache

I am headache free today! I found out the culprit and we shut it off. We have propane to heat this new place we are in. Thank God we didn't spend the money and fill the tank..Yikes! ....and thank God my husband and father-in-law put in my electric stove! Sometimes the mind just...knows. I knew there was a reason to put in the electric stove, but couldn't put my finger on it. Well, the 4 day migraine proved it. Back to kerosene and wood heat.

You can't imagine the relief I feel after a 4 day migraine....Hell a 1 day migraine. My head feels like it can breathe (that's one way to put it to try and help someone understand the actual feeling). There is room for 3 brains in there now instead of the cramped area pushing against the inside of my skull.

I read this in another blog and it makes sense:
"If my Migraine disease has taught me anything - and continues to teach me anything - it's the value of slowing down.

We talk about slowing down all the time when we discuss chronic illness. Being chronically ill requires us to reserve our energy for those things that really matter, to evaluate what we can and cannot do based on how our bodies feel. While initially upon being diagnosed we can fool ourselves into thinking we can still operate our lives at "normal" speed (whatever that means), eventually our bodies demand us to make some hard decisions."

I can remember so many times where I had to put the brakes on before doing something that a normal person wouldn't think twice about. Let's take for example going out on a boat. Relaxing huh? Not for me. Too much activity can land me in the hospital with a really bad migraine. The kicker? I am the one who ruins the whole boat ride because I tire first and want to go back to shore. I made so many people mad through the years because of different activities I could not do and they never realized I was just sick. Migraines are my curse and I have learned to adjust my life accordingly. I distance myself from friends and family. The only person who truly understands my "evil" is my parents and my husband and only because they have seen it first hand numerous times. Most people cannot even imagine what migraine sufferers go through and they are the lucky ones.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2nd

I did not get much sleep last night. I tried my headache meds, ice packs, water, caffiene, chocolate and hair pulling from my hubby. Nothing seemed to help too much. I finally fell asleep a little at a time. My poor poor husband suffered all night long with me. Man I ^*^&ing love this man!!!!! He is the best man period!....(My husband wrote the previous 3 sentances but I figured I would leave it;-) It's the truth. This was an 8 on the migraine scale.

Day 3 with a migraine

This blog is to help me keep records of my headaches. Currently, I have a migraine and it has been with me on and off for the past 3 or 4 days now. They seem to be getting longer recently. I have suffered since I was 7 years old where I was hit with a baseball bat between the eyes. I have had cat scans several times throughout my life and nothing shows up. My triggers are MSG, raw onions, alcohol, pain meds (including headache meds), too much activity, not enough activity, too much laughter, not eating soon enough, exercise (like push ups that affect the muscles in my neck), reading, too much sleep, not enough sleep, changes in altitude, strange odors and some I cannot think of at the moment. Lets see what progresses with this blog shall we???? I want to see how many days in a month I spend WITH a headache...Ugh! It went from a 4 to a 6 on the migraine scale.